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Friday 21 July 2017

Samsung, Google, Intel and more formally support Apple in legal dispute with Qualcomm

Apple today has received support from a handful of tech companies in its ongoing legal dispute with Qualcomm. As reported by Reuters, the Computer & Communications Industry Association, which consists of tech companies such as Samsung, Intel, Google, Amazon, and more, today filed comments with the U.S. International Trade Commission arguing that an import ban on iPhones would hurt consumers…
The group argued against the ITC blocking Apple from importing iPhones with Intel modem chips, as Qualcomm has requested. Such a move would cause “significant shocks” to the supply for smartphones, thus hurting consumers and raising prices.
They argued that barring Apple from importing foreign-assembled iPhones that use Intel Corp chips – as Qualcomm has requested – would cause “significant shocks to supply” for phones and would hurt consumers.
“If the ITC were to grant this exclusion order, it would help Qualcomm use its monopoly power for further leverage against Apple and allow them to drive up prices on consumer devices,” Ed Black, the CEO of the group, said in a statement.
“What’s at stake here is certainly the availability of iPhones and other smartphones at better prices.”
Members of the CCIA include Google, Samsung, Intel, Facebook, Uber, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, and more. Apple is not a member of the group.
Earlier this month, Qualcomm officially filed a patent infringement suit against Apple. The company is asking United States regulators to investigate which iPhone models use Intel modems and halt sales of those devices, alleging they use technology that violates Qualcomm patents.
The battle between the two companies began earlier this year year when the Federal Trade Commission accused Qualcomm of forcing Apple to use its baseband chips at higher patent royalties. Apple then filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Qualcomm, and Qualcomm counter sued .
Tim Cook first said he was open to settling battle outside of court and Qualcomm’s CEO has
recently expressed similar sentiments , though the case continues to escalate and expand to Apple suppliers .
With the weight of other tech giants now on its side, Apple seemingly has the upper-hand against Qualcomm. It remains to be seen, however, how this case will play out. And it could be a while.

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