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Thursday 31 August 2017

Step-by-step guide on how to format your Android phone

Step-by-step guide on how to format your Android phone

Did you know that a lot of problems with your mobile phone can be easily solved? In this article, you will read about useful information that answers this question. So learn how to format android phone!

How to format Android phone using computer
Format Android phone using computer
Mobile phones
When your Android smartphone starts to perform slowly, switch off and on on its own, or give you some issues, the fastest and most convenient solution for many problems is to format the android.

You probably know that you can format android through the main menu of your phone and recovery mode. But if none of these methods has helped, you need to format the android through the computer.

Android Developer's software (SDK) includes useful tools that will allow you to format android phone using laptop.

The first step – you have to download and install the Android SDK. We will try to explain to you how to do it.

Android SDK
You need to download the Android SDK from the Google Developers site. Scroll down and find the section labeled "SDK Tools Only". Save the file in a convenient place on the computer - for example, on the desktop. The next step is to extract from the archive to the following address:

- Windows: Extract to system disk C.

- OS X: Extract to the home folder.

- Linux: Extract to the home folder.

Rename the extracted folder to "Android". At some point, we will refer to a folder called Android.

To work with the Android SDK, you need to install a working version of Sun Java. To do this, go to the official Oracle website and download the appropriate version for your computer (32-bit or 64-bit version). Please note that without Sun Java, you will not be able to install the Android SDK.

Android helper
For users of computers running the Linux operating system, you also need to install Sun Java. You can download the x86 and x64 versions on the Oracle website.

For Mac computers, this is easier, because the manufacturer has already taken care of installing Sun Java.

Now, you need to set path (PATH) to Android SDK. The PATH variable in the operating system of your computer shows where to look for the executable file when you want to run the command from a command line or a terminal. For example, to start the ADB command you need to set the full path - i.e. ADB folder is inside the SDK folder - or specify the location set in the PATH variable itself.

Android App
Maybe it sounds difficult and confusing but it is much easier to do than explain. For users of computers with the Windows operating system you should do these to configure the path to the Android SDK:

- Click the Start button on the keyboard;

- Start typing "Environment Variables";

- As you enter, you will see the line "Edit the system environment variables". Select it;

- In the "Environment Variables" window, select PATH in the "System Variables" section. Then click the "Edit" button.

- Add the full path to the Android SDK and Android SDK Platform-tools, separated by a semicolon. It should look like this:

C: \ Android \ tools; C: \ Android \ platform-tools

How to format Android phone
You may set the PATH on a computer running OS X on your Bash profile. It's very simple, and everything is done in one file. Find the file called .bash_profile. in the home folder. Open it with any text editor.

This file can be empty or filled with some information. Add the following pair of lines to the top of the file:

- Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / tools: $ PATH

- Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / platform-tools: $ PATH

How to format Android
Please note that the Android SDK must be in your home folder. Then save the file and restart the computer. Install the PATH on a Linux computer similar to Mac computers - you need to edit the file. Use some text editor and open the ~ / .bashrc file. If such a file does not exist on your computer, you can create a new file and save it as ~ / .bashrc. At the end of the file, add the following lines:

Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / tools: $ PATH»

Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / platform-tools: $ PATH»

Save the file and restart the computer.

Phone with computer
After doing this, let’s continue to format our Android phone.

After installing Android SDK click the Windows + R button on the keyboard to open the Run application. After that, you need to type cmd to go to the command line.

The next step is to specify the path to the folder that contains Android Debug Bridge or ADB. You can do this using the “CD” command.

If you installed the SDK using our instructions, then the folder containing the ADB system is located at the following address: C: \ Android \ Android-SDK \ Platform-Tools.

Restart phones
Remember that your path to the ADB system may be different, so you need to check if the Adb.exe file exists in the folder of your SDK. Then connect your Android smartphone to your computer through the USB cable. During the formatting of the android phone, it is recommended to disconnect all USB devices that are connected to the computer, except for the Android smartphone itself.

And the last step is to enter the following command:

-Adb shell recovery -wipe_data

Windows system
After that, your Android smartphone will be formatted. This will return the phone to factory settings. As you see it is not so hard to format your phone if you follow the instructions. We hope this guide has helped you a lot!

Uber investor writes fiery letter to lawyers a day before Benchmark case

Uber investor writes fiery letter  to lawyers  a day before Benchmark case

Just when it looked like things were starting to calm down for Uber, after its federal investigations and the Benchmark lawsuit, investor Shervin Pishevar has stirred things up again. When Benchmark, an early investor in Uber with a spot on its board, had sued founder and ousted CEO Travis Kalanick for fraud, Shervin, another major Uber investor and former board member, stepped to his defense. And how.

Wednesday, while the new Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi held a meeting with his new employees in San Francisco, Pishevar was in a Delaware courtroom, where a judge decided to send the case into arbitration. To mark this grand occasion, a Pishevar spokesperson released a letter Pishevar wrote to his lawyers last week, as they prepared to file that motion. And boy, is it something.

Before you even begin to read the letter, understand that it reads as if Shervin held a thesaurus in his hand while writing it. The sentences are so convoluted and completely devoid of logic that sometimes, your eyes may have to scan them at least 4 times before you even begin to understand what it probably means.

Shervin asks his lawyers to "pause" for a moment, "when we find ourselves swimming in the crucible of one of the grandest business and moral battles of our generation, and find strength in each stroke of our proverbial digital pens, that we wrote with the indelible, eternal and permanent ink of righteousness." Permanent ink of righteousness? Shervin, perhaps, has a second career as a poet. Even if a bad one.

He then goes on say that Uber is a messiah of the souls of thousands and talks about "the lives of millions of jobs created liberating multitudes of drivers from the shackles of servitude to iniquitous taxi cartels of corrupt cabals that choked cities with their pollution of air and morals." Looks like someone's been reading a lot of philosophy lately!

Shervin is appalled by the timing of the entire lawsuit, which coincided with the passing of Travis' mom, "We write with the spirit of Bonnie Kalanick, who raised her son with deep unconditional love and unfading faith in his ability to do good for the world," he wrote rather emotionally, adding that her "tragic and untimely death was used against her son at his most vulnerable, unspeakable time of pain. They chose to strike at a moment of a devoted son's retreat and leave of absence to mourn the absence of the inviolable love of his mother." Here, instead of feeling emotional about the entire incident, Shervin's letter almost makes a mockery of it, making Travis seem like a superhero who is out to save the world. And it looks like Benchmark may have been his kryptonite!

And hence, this march towards justice, Shervin says, is in Bonnie's memory, also pointing out, rather eloquently (or not) that every must "defend what is right and to protect the interest of not only shareholders but most importantly the far more important stakeholders of employees, drivers and customers whose lives have been forever altered by the abiding faith and fervent hard work of Travis Kalanick and the Uber team." And again, a man who has lived to serve others. Does this sound like someone we know? Hmm..

He encourages the lawyers to "strike tomorrow with the full and fulsome courage of our convictions. Let our just cause give pause to those who would ever dream of ever emulating the shameful shenanigans of these sanctimonious hypocrites who fling filings and letters de haut en bas; when it is we who have the higher moral ground and our letters and filing will hail down upon their platforms, exposing them as bitterly barren barons of moral turpitude."

On a rather apocalyptic tone, Shervin ends his letter with the latin proverb _fiat justitia ruat caelum_, 'Let justice be done though the heavens fall'.

Shakespeare wept.