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Thursday 31 August 2017

Step-by-step guide on how to format your Android phone

Step-by-step guide on how to format your Android phone

Did you know that a lot of problems with your mobile phone can be easily solved? In this article, you will read about useful information that answers this question. So learn how to format android phone!

How to format Android phone using computer
Format Android phone using computer
Mobile phones
When your Android smartphone starts to perform slowly, switch off and on on its own, or give you some issues, the fastest and most convenient solution for many problems is to format the android.

You probably know that you can format android through the main menu of your phone and recovery mode. But if none of these methods has helped, you need to format the android through the computer.

Android Developer's software (SDK) includes useful tools that will allow you to format android phone using laptop.

The first step – you have to download and install the Android SDK. We will try to explain to you how to do it.

Android SDK
You need to download the Android SDK from the Google Developers site. Scroll down and find the section labeled "SDK Tools Only". Save the file in a convenient place on the computer - for example, on the desktop. The next step is to extract from the archive to the following address:

- Windows: Extract to system disk C.

- OS X: Extract to the home folder.

- Linux: Extract to the home folder.

Rename the extracted folder to "Android". At some point, we will refer to a folder called Android.

To work with the Android SDK, you need to install a working version of Sun Java. To do this, go to the official Oracle website and download the appropriate version for your computer (32-bit or 64-bit version). Please note that without Sun Java, you will not be able to install the Android SDK.

Android helper
For users of computers running the Linux operating system, you also need to install Sun Java. You can download the x86 and x64 versions on the Oracle website.

For Mac computers, this is easier, because the manufacturer has already taken care of installing Sun Java.

Now, you need to set path (PATH) to Android SDK. The PATH variable in the operating system of your computer shows where to look for the executable file when you want to run the command from a command line or a terminal. For example, to start the ADB command you need to set the full path - i.e. ADB folder is inside the SDK folder - or specify the location set in the PATH variable itself.

Android App
Maybe it sounds difficult and confusing but it is much easier to do than explain. For users of computers with the Windows operating system you should do these to configure the path to the Android SDK:

- Click the Start button on the keyboard;

- Start typing "Environment Variables";

- As you enter, you will see the line "Edit the system environment variables". Select it;

- In the "Environment Variables" window, select PATH in the "System Variables" section. Then click the "Edit" button.

- Add the full path to the Android SDK and Android SDK Platform-tools, separated by a semicolon. It should look like this:

C: \ Android \ tools; C: \ Android \ platform-tools

How to format Android phone
You may set the PATH on a computer running OS X on your Bash profile. It's very simple, and everything is done in one file. Find the file called .bash_profile. in the home folder. Open it with any text editor.

This file can be empty or filled with some information. Add the following pair of lines to the top of the file:

- Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / tools: $ PATH

- Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / platform-tools: $ PATH

How to format Android
Please note that the Android SDK must be in your home folder. Then save the file and restart the computer. Install the PATH on a Linux computer similar to Mac computers - you need to edit the file. Use some text editor and open the ~ / .bashrc file. If such a file does not exist on your computer, you can create a new file and save it as ~ / .bashrc. At the end of the file, add the following lines:

Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / tools: $ PATH»

Export PATH = »$ HOME / Android / platform-tools: $ PATH»

Save the file and restart the computer.

Phone with computer
After doing this, let’s continue to format our Android phone.

After installing Android SDK click the Windows + R button on the keyboard to open the Run application. After that, you need to type cmd to go to the command line.

The next step is to specify the path to the folder that contains Android Debug Bridge or ADB. You can do this using the “CD” command.

If you installed the SDK using our instructions, then the folder containing the ADB system is located at the following address: C: \ Android \ Android-SDK \ Platform-Tools.

Restart phones
Remember that your path to the ADB system may be different, so you need to check if the Adb.exe file exists in the folder of your SDK. Then connect your Android smartphone to your computer through the USB cable. During the formatting of the android phone, it is recommended to disconnect all USB devices that are connected to the computer, except for the Android smartphone itself.

And the last step is to enter the following command:

-Adb shell recovery -wipe_data

Windows system
After that, your Android smartphone will be formatted. This will return the phone to factory settings. As you see it is not so hard to format your phone if you follow the instructions. We hope this guide has helped you a lot!

Uber investor writes fiery letter to lawyers a day before Benchmark case

Uber investor writes fiery letter  to lawyers  a day before Benchmark case

Just when it looked like things were starting to calm down for Uber, after its federal investigations and the Benchmark lawsuit, investor Shervin Pishevar has stirred things up again. When Benchmark, an early investor in Uber with a spot on its board, had sued founder and ousted CEO Travis Kalanick for fraud, Shervin, another major Uber investor and former board member, stepped to his defense. And how.

Wednesday, while the new Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi held a meeting with his new employees in San Francisco, Pishevar was in a Delaware courtroom, where a judge decided to send the case into arbitration. To mark this grand occasion, a Pishevar spokesperson released a letter Pishevar wrote to his lawyers last week, as they prepared to file that motion. And boy, is it something.

Before you even begin to read the letter, understand that it reads as if Shervin held a thesaurus in his hand while writing it. The sentences are so convoluted and completely devoid of logic that sometimes, your eyes may have to scan them at least 4 times before you even begin to understand what it probably means.

Shervin asks his lawyers to "pause" for a moment, "when we find ourselves swimming in the crucible of one of the grandest business and moral battles of our generation, and find strength in each stroke of our proverbial digital pens, that we wrote with the indelible, eternal and permanent ink of righteousness." Permanent ink of righteousness? Shervin, perhaps, has a second career as a poet. Even if a bad one.

He then goes on say that Uber is a messiah of the souls of thousands and talks about "the lives of millions of jobs created liberating multitudes of drivers from the shackles of servitude to iniquitous taxi cartels of corrupt cabals that choked cities with their pollution of air and morals." Looks like someone's been reading a lot of philosophy lately!

Shervin is appalled by the timing of the entire lawsuit, which coincided with the passing of Travis' mom, "We write with the spirit of Bonnie Kalanick, who raised her son with deep unconditional love and unfading faith in his ability to do good for the world," he wrote rather emotionally, adding that her "tragic and untimely death was used against her son at his most vulnerable, unspeakable time of pain. They chose to strike at a moment of a devoted son's retreat and leave of absence to mourn the absence of the inviolable love of his mother." Here, instead of feeling emotional about the entire incident, Shervin's letter almost makes a mockery of it, making Travis seem like a superhero who is out to save the world. And it looks like Benchmark may have been his kryptonite!

And hence, this march towards justice, Shervin says, is in Bonnie's memory, also pointing out, rather eloquently (or not) that every must "defend what is right and to protect the interest of not only shareholders but most importantly the far more important stakeholders of employees, drivers and customers whose lives have been forever altered by the abiding faith and fervent hard work of Travis Kalanick and the Uber team." And again, a man who has lived to serve others. Does this sound like someone we know? Hmm..

He encourages the lawyers to "strike tomorrow with the full and fulsome courage of our convictions. Let our just cause give pause to those who would ever dream of ever emulating the shameful shenanigans of these sanctimonious hypocrites who fling filings and letters de haut en bas; when it is we who have the higher moral ground and our letters and filing will hail down upon their platforms, exposing them as bitterly barren barons of moral turpitude."

On a rather apocalyptic tone, Shervin ends his letter with the latin proverb _fiat justitia ruat caelum_, 'Let justice be done though the heavens fall'.

Shakespeare wept.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

15 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With WhatsApp

15 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With WhatsApp
Find out who your WhatsApp BFF is.
1. Find out which people you've interacted with the most.
2. When someone mentions a date, create an event so you don't forget.
3. Swipe on a message to quote it.
Instead of long-pressing a message, and then selecting "Reply" to quote the message, you can simply swipe right on a message and WhatsApp will automatically do it for you.
Granted, this only saves you about a second. But if you're a serial quoter, you're saving, like, 25 seconds a day. That's like, 9,000 seconds a year.
Two-and-a-half hours of time saved every year. Now you can re-watch Pulp Fiction. Thank me later.
4. Access WhatsApp's giant-ass secret GIF library.
Who knew that WhatsApp had a gigantic library of GIFs, and it was right under our noses all this time?
* Go to any chat, and click the "+" icon on the bottom left.
* Click on "Photo & Video Library" from the popup menu.
* Click on "GIF" on the bottom left to unleash a plethora of reaction GIFs.
5. Or just use WhatsApp to turn your videos to GIFs in a jiffy.
* Go to any chat, and click the "+" icon on the bottom left.
* Click on "Photo & Video Library" from the popup menu.
* Select a video from your library (make sure it's under the WhatsApp limit of 64MB).
* In the video editing view, slide the video length cropper down to 5 seconds or less (because which monster wants GIFs longer than that anyway).
And that's how you can easily turn your videos into a GIF. EVERYTHING IS BETTER WHEN IT'S LOOPED.
6. Send someone a WhatsApp message without actually typing anything.
Shayan Roy
WhatsApp works with Siri (for iOS) and "OK Google" (for Android)!
Say "Hey Siri" or "OK Google", and then ask them to "send a WhatsApp to" followed by the name of your contact, and then say "saying", followed by your message.
Then tell them how you sent them a WhatsApp without typing in a single word. Because these things need to be discussed.
7. Create your own "notes" chat where you can save photos, links, voice clips, and... notes.
* Create a new group, and add any one other contact to it.
* Once the group is created, kick the other contact out.
* Explain to your contact why you have done this.^
Now you're in a group where you can record your musings. It's actually better than your "Notes" app, because it lets you record voice notes, click pictures, or take videos on the fly.
^This step is not mandatory. Not everything deserves an explanation.
8. Hide your phone number when using WhatsApp.
You'll need two SIM cards for this (preferably your current SIM and an older one), but if you're paranoid about people seeing your phone number on WhatsApp, it's worth it.
* Insert the old SIM and activate WhatsApp on it.
* Replace the SIM with the new one.
* When prompted, choose to go with the old number on WhatsApp.
Now nobody will be able to get your current number if they have you on WhatsApp.
Mind you, certain countries tend to put unused SIM cards back into circulation, so if you want to keep that old number, it might be a good idea to insert the old SIM into an old handset.
9. Save data when you're making calls through WhatsApp
* Click "Settings" on the bottom right of your WhatsApp screen.
* Click on "Data and Storage Usage".
* Enable the "Low Data Usage" toggle.
10. Use a ~cool~ typewriter font to impress your friends/crush.
* Go to the punctuations tab on your chat, and enclose your message with three of the ` character on either side.
(It's on the second page of punctuation marks for Android users, while iPhone users can find it by long-pressing the apostrophe character)
* Send the message, and it'll go through in a typewriter font.
* Say things like "Aaaaaa I just know deez tings, fam" when someone asks you how in blazes you did that shit.
11. Add custom notifications so you know who's messaging you without checking your phone.
If you're constantly receiving messages on your phone, and feel the need to check your screen to see who it is, here's a quick way to save some eye-time.
* Click on the name of any private/group chat to open up Contact Info.
* Click on "Custom Notifications" and select a unique tone for that chat.
Now you know who you're ignoring without even checking your screen.
12. Locate old group chats easily.
Instead of trying to recall the name of an old group chat, which might be a bit tricky, try this:
* Try to remember any one person who was on that group with you.
* Go to their chat, and click on their name to open up "Contact info".
* Scroll down to "Groups in common", and if the group is still active, you'll find it there.
13. Restrict what info people see when they add you on WhatsApp.
* Click "Settings" on the bottom right of your WhatsApp screen.
* Click on "Account".
* Click on "Privacy".
* Change your "Profile Photo", "About" and "Status" privacy settings to "My Contacts".
This will prevent anyone with your number from creeping on your WhatsApp info, unless you decide to add them to your contacts.
14. See who has read your message on a group chat, and when they've read it.
All you have to do is left-swipe on any message you've sent to a group chat, and you'll get a list of who has read the messages, and at what time. Even if everyone's deactivated their read receipts.
So talk to people only on groups. Screw those people who deactivate everything.
15. Prevent photos and videos on WhatsApp from taking over your phone storage (and your goddamn life).
* Click "Settings" on the bottom right of your WhatsApp screen.
* Click on "Data and Storage Usage".
* On the "Media Auto-Download" tab, select "Never" for photos, audio, videos, and documents (or whichever ones you prefer).
Now, instead of auto-downloading, you can choose which media to download simply by clicking on it when someone sends it to you. This also saves you a shit-ton of data.
Memorise all these new tricks, and get to textin'!

List of smartphone brands that could have the Android Oreo on their devices first

List of smartphone brands that could have the Android Oreo on their devices first

Just some days ago, we reported that the upcoming Android 8.0 or Android O will be called the Android Oreo. In the same article, major highlights and features of the new Android 8.0  Oreo operating system were listed.

While it is Google’s tradition to determine when details of any upcoming OS be announced, it is not in the company’s power to dictate which devices or set of devices launch or run the OS first. But they can speculate – tell which smartphone brands that could run the Android Oreo OS first; which will most definitely come to pass. I mean, it’s Google. “She knows basically all things”, as some would say.

In the same blog post that announced the Google Android Oreo, Google mentioned the company have commenced testing of the Oreo OS on the Google Pixel smartphones and Nexus 5X/6P.

According to Google’s VP of Product Management, Android and Google Play, Sameer Samat,

We’re pushing the sources to Android Open Source Project (AOSP) for everyone to access today. Pixel and Nexus 5X/6P builds have entered carrier testing, and we expect to start rolling out in phases soon, alongside Pixel C and Nexus Player.
He also noted that devices enrolled in Google’s Android Beta Program will receive the final version of the Oreo update.

Under the “Coming to a device near you” header, Sameer talked about Google’s collaborative effort with her mobile partners to release the Android Oreo OS their devices. Mobile brands that were mentioned include;

General Mobile
The above names are smartphone brands that could run the Android Oreo OS first

Still going by the words of Sameer,

We’ve also been working closely with our partners, and by the end of this year, hardware makers including Essential, General Mobile, HMD Global Home of Nokia Phones, Huawei, HTC, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sharp and Sony are scheduled to launch or upgrade devices to Android 8.0 Oreo.
In the above quote, we can see Google’s VP carefully playing around the words “Launch” and “Upgrade”.

I believe his aim was to be crystal clear that it is in the hands of all individual smartphone company to either send an OTA update to all previous device that are capable of upgrading to the Oreo 8.0 OS or launch new gadgets (smartphone, tablets etc) that runs the Android Oreo OS out of the box.

It is worthy of note to state that the following smartphone brands; LG, Motorola, HTC, Sony, Xiaomi, and OnePlus sent an OTA update to their devices before the end of 2016 following the release of the Android 7.0 Nougat OS around this same time last year (August 22, 2016).

In other news, it should be recalled that HMD Global (Nokia’s parent company and distributor) have, in the past, confirmed that the Nokia 3, Nokia 4 and Nokia 6 smartphones will receive the Android Oreo OS update. The Oreo on the flagship Nokia 8 device is however not confirmed yet but it will most likely get the update.

Monday 28 August 2017

How To Make Google Chrome Browse More Faster With These 4 Steps

How To Make Google Chrome Browse More Faster With These 4 Steps
The method is very simple and we will be editing some hidden feature of chrome in this method and with that you chrome speed will boost up and it will browse webpages faster. So follow up the below methods to proceed:
#1 Method: Editing Chrome Flag Settings To Make It Faster
1. First of all open the address chrome://flags/ in your Google chrome.
2. Now there you will see lots of settings there.
3. Search out for "Maximum tiles for interest area" and change its value to 512 that is maximum RAM that you will be allocating to the Chrome.( You can use ctrl+f to find these options).
4. Now search For the "Number of raster threads" and change its value to 4.
5. Now enable "Enable fast tab/window close".
6. That's it now relaunch your browser and enjoy the faster performance of your browser.
#2 Method: Using Google Chrome Extension
1. Download and install a cool plugin
Web Boost in your Google chrome.
2. Thats it this extension will get added to your browser and you can see icon at the right top corner, just click on it to start it.
#3 Method: Changing The Settings In Google Chrome
1. First of all go to three line button at the the top right corner of your Google chrome.
2. Then click on "settings" and then "Show Advanced Settings"
3. Now under privacy look for "Prefetch resources to load pages more quickly" and tick on it.
4. There you will have 3 options listed in your android chrome which can be set according to as:
Always :- If you want to load pages both on cellular and wifi network.
Wifi – If only wifi connection is there then only it will load prefetch pages.
Never :- It will never prefetch pages and this can save your data on your limited connection.
#4 Method: Clearing Cache & unnecessary Plugins and Extensions
1. Type chrome://plugins/ in your google chrome and clear out or say remove the plugins that are unnecessary in your browser.
2. Type chrome://extensions/ in your chrome browser and clear all the extension that you don’t need in your browser.
3. Type chrome://settings/clearBrowserData and clear all your history from beginning including history, cache file and all other saved data of your browser to make it faster.
With these ways you can easily boost up your browser speed and can enjoy fast switching speed between tabs.



✳️How to solve Google Play - Error 504✳️

App could not be downloaded due to an error.

First solution
The usual, please: go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store and Clear cache and Clear data. Also Clear cache and Clear data for Google Services Framework.

Second solution
Try removing your GMail account

✳️How to solve Google Play – Error 501✳️

If you can't open the Google Play Store or perform downloads, then surely you have the 501 error.

To fix it, you must go to the Settings, then open these two applications: Google Play Services and Play Store – then you have to tap Clear Cache. Once you have done this, go into Accounts and delete your Google Account. Then restart your phone, input and synchronize your Google account again, then let your phone sit for five minutes without touching it. After these five minutes are over, the 501 error should not bother you anymore.

✳️How to solve Google Play - Error 498✳️

Interruption of downloads from the Google Play Store.

The problem is that the cache of your device is full. Delete unneeded applications and files. Restart your smartphone in recovery mode by pressing the volume down, power and home buttons (for Samsung devices), or volume down and power (for most other devices).

This mode provides a few more options. Select Wipe cache partition by navigating between options with the volume rocker. Confirm using the power button.

✳️How to solve Google Play Store - Error 497✳️

Difficulty updating installed apps

First solution
Clear out your Play Store data. Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store and hit Clear cache, Clear data and Uninstall updates.

Second solution
Disable your SD card, if you have one. Go to Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card.

Third solution
If your phone is rooted, you can delete the app's APK and reinstall it. To do so, open up Root Explorer, or a similar application, and navigate to System / app > Mount R / W > Delete application. Or you can play it safe and rename the offending APK to to something like GoogleSearch.apk.backup, so you can revert it if anything goes wrong.

✳️How to solve Google Play - Error 413✳️

Downloading applications or updates is impossible. If you use a proxy, remember that it may cause problems with the operation of the Google Play Store.

In Settings, find Apps (or Application manager), then swipe to All. Scroll down to Google Services and tap on Clear data and then Force stop. Do the same with the Google Play Store app and clear the cache from your internet browser.

✳️How to solve Google Play Error - 403✳️

The download is impossible and the request is 'forbidden'. This usually happens when two Google accounts are used to buy applications on one device.

Firs solution
Go the Google Play Store with the correct Google account. Uninstall the application in question. Try to get the app from Google Play again and click the purchase button.

Second solution
Clear the proxy you have possibly set up, by going into the Settings, then choose Wireless and Networks (or More networks) and then Mobile Network. Select APN, which stands for Access Point Name and hit Clear Proxy Option. You can always reinstate the proxy afterwards.

Third solution
Another solution would be to erase your entire search history which you can do in the Play Store itself by choosing the Settings button. Next, select Clear search history.

Fourth solution
Try creating a new Google account and using it instead for the Play Store. Go to the Google Play, and select the menu button again. Then select Accounts and choose the New Gmail account. Then reinstall the app.

5 Security Measures that leave Hackers Stranded

5 Security Measures that leave Hackers Stranded

There are a lot of people out there who want to get ahold of private data. These aren’t just regular hackers either; these are governments overstepping their boundaries to gain information about people overseas or even their own citizens.
There are a lot of people out there who want to get ahold of private data. These aren’t just regular hackers either; these are governments overstepping their boundaries to gain information about people overseas or even their own citizens. In fact, 64% of Americans have been victims of a major data breach. It’s no wonder such a large amount of people lack confidence that they and the institutions and websites they use can keep their information secure.

But not all bets are off. As hackers gain cyberspace territory, a response from the private and business sector is emerging. Industry leaders and innovators are finding new ways to protect internet users’ private information, and their solutions can get pretty creative. Here are five examples of the most capable, easy internet security measures that keep your information away from prying eyes.

1.Secure Your Data in Your Photos

Cloaksys is a brilliant method that keeps data safe by securing it where hackers don’t expect. It enables you to secure everything from simple account passwords to entire files inside any of your pictures. This allows your information to be stored without hackers knowing what it really is. They can search your files all they want, but they’re not likely to find what they’re looking for if it’s hidden away inside a photo.

Should someone gain either physical or remote access to your system, they will attempt to find whatever information about you they can, most likely through your social media accounts, memos, bookmarked sites, cookies and much more. The one place that they will never think to look is inside a simple photo. This photo that contains your data that is encrypted in 256 bit AES encryption and you can camouflage your passwords in plain sight as your background wallpaper, just like a chameleon does (hence Cloaksys’s chameleon logo).

The fun part about Cloaksys is that you can choose any photo you want to store your data in. Anything from a family vacation photo to a celebrity wallpaper can become your digital safe to keep your information secure.

Cloaksys helps preserve your privacy with 256 bit AES encryption inside your photos. This is the same technology used in the banking industry, with encryption strength approved by the Secretary of Commerce, so you can be confident that your information is safe within your beloved photos.

2.Encrypted Messaging

A popular new trend in messaging is to use encrypted messaging services such as WhatsApp or Signal to communicate. Your communication is private and you will need to have the key to unscramble your data.

Services like these also use 256 bit AES encryption and similar techniques to protect your communications. This helps to protect your privacy, even when overseas. Many of these apps require that the people you communicate with have these apps too. However, you can also encrypt Facebook Messenger and Allo (Google).

To encrypt a Facebook Messenger conversation, go to the conversation you want and click the i button up at the top. Select “Go To Secret Conversation.” This will open a new window with a black design that bears the words, “Secret Conversation.” Only users with the most recent version of Facebook Messenger can use Secret Conversations. If you don’t see that option, either you or the other party needs to update their Facebook Messenger App.

Allo users must first go to their settings and enable incognito chat (Google’s term for encrypted chat), and then click the new message icon. This will give you the standard option to enter a name, but two new icons will also appear: start incognito chat and start group incognito chat.

3.Trust Rating Websites and Plugins

Some tech companies have begun to analyze and report the trustworthiness of websites, so that internet users can check their safety before they visit. Web of Trust (a Chrome plugin) makes that even easier. This plugin sits in your browser bar and indicates whether a site you are visiting is considered safe.

The information being used to determine whether a website is safe or not is not just provided by a company; Web of Trust also relies on real users to report privacy and security problems on the sites they visit. This is what makes these services so helpful. You get real feedback from real people.

4.Smart Firewalls

Firewalls protect the devices in your home from being compromised, but smart firewalls do more than that. They help you protect all the devices on your home network that use the internet. In a world of smart TVs, smart appliances, and even smart security devices, there is a greater potential for your personal information to be compromised. Smart firewalls monitor the internet usage on your smart devices and protects them from hacking and malicious use.

Cujo Smart Firewall is just one example of this type of device. It is available at many electronics stores and protects everything from your computer to your smart appliances.

Although viruses, scams and security breaches happen all the time, there are many ways to preserve your privacy without living disconnected from the online services you’ve become accustomed to. Consider taking advantage of some of these emerging security options so that you can stay a step ahead of the cyber threats around us and be safer on the internet. And keep looking out for new security services that find innovative ways to protect yourself in this technological arms race.

5.Fingerprint Sensors for Credit/Debit Cards

In the United States, the most recent update to credit/debit cards has been the chip, and we still see plenty of companies who don’t have the option to use it. However, Taiwanese company Jinco Universal has come up with a way to make their financial cards even more secure, by putting biometric readers on the cards. These new cards have both a chip system and a fingerprint reader; card users will need to scan their fingerprint before making a purchase. The card contains a battery that lasts for about 300 uses and can be recharged so you don’t have to replace it.

In collaboration with lan Microelectronics Corporation and KSID, Jinco Universal has recently begun mass-producing the new biometric cards. They are also developing contracts to use these cards to secure other types of data, such as taxi licenses.

Sunday 27 August 2017



Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
Alt + 0174..... ®....registeredtrademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ...°......degree symbol
Alt + 0177 ...±....plus-or-minus sign
Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragraph mark
Alt + 0190 ...¾....fraction, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ....×.....multiplication sign
Alt + 0162...¢....thecent sign
Alt + 0161.....¡......upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿.....upside down question mark
Alt + 1...........smiley face
Alt + 2 ......☻.....black smiley face
Alt + 15.....☼.....sun
Alt + 12......♀.....female sign
Alt + 11.....♂......male sign
Alt + 6.......♠.....spade
Alt + 5.......♣......Club
Alt + 3............. Heart
Alt + 4.......♦......Diamond
Alt + 13......♪.....eighth note
Alt + 14......♫......beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251.....√.....square root check mark
Alt + 8236.....∞.....infinity
Alt + 24.......↑.....up arrow
Alt + 25......↓......down arrow
Alt + 26.....→.....right arrow
Alt + 27......←.....left arrow
Alt + 18.....↕......up/down arrow
Alt + 29......↔... left right arrow..

Don't Forget to Share it on your Wall..!!
[8/19, 3:42 AM]  +91 81379 67796 : More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read & Share.
1. CTRL+C (Copy)
2. CTRL+X (Cut)
3. CTRL+V (Paste)
4. CTRL+Z (Undo)
5. DELETE (Delete)
6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
7. CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
8. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
9. F2 key (Rename the selected item)

10. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
11. CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
12. CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
13. CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
14. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
15. CTRL+A (Select all)
16. F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
17. ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
18. ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
19. ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
20. ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)

21. CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents opensimultaneously)
22. ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
23. ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
24. F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
25. F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
26. SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
27. ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)
28. CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
29. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu) Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command)
30. F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)

31. RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)
32. LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)
33. F5 key (Update the active window)
34. BACKSPACE (View the folder onelevel up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
35. ESC (Cancel the current task)
36. SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROMinto the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)
Dialog Box - Keyboard Shortcuts
1. CTRL+TAB (Move forward through the tabs)
2. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the tabs)
3. TAB (Move forward through the options)
4. SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the options)
5. ALT+Underlined letter (Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option)
6. ENTER (Perform the command for the active option or button)

Please share this article if you find it useful!

Friday 25 August 2017

9Mobile Unlimited free browsing using shadowsocks

9Mobile cheat code has been blazing since but the problem is that is capped with 60mb. This limits people browsing and download daily because they have to manage the MB.
It's time to enjoy 9mobile Unlimited Free Browsing and downloading with
Shadowsocks . Natewap says goodbye to 60MB daily limit in 9Mobile cheat code.
9mobile Unlimited Free Browsing With Shadowsocks Vpn 2017
Follow the procedure carefully :
✔ Your 9mobile sim
✔ A strong 3g/4g network
✔ Download Shadowsocks apk
✔ Download Connection Stabilizer
1] After you've downloaded the Shadowsocks VPN , install and launch it.
2] So after doing this,  click on the plus sign icon above at the right and tap on manual settings as seen in the screenshot.
And use the following details for this Profil settings;
Profile name= Natewap
Remote port= 10010
Local port= 1080
Password= www(dot)kxss(dot)me
Encrpt method= AES-256-CFB
Profile name= 9Mobile
Remote port= 10014
Password= www(dot)kxss(dot)me
Encrpt method= AES-256-CFB
Make sure you used (.) instead of dot, I only used this to prevent it from shrinking into the page title which will look totally confusing.
Profile name= NateWap
Remote port= 443
Password= 33805430
Encrypt method= So make you select [RC4-MD5 ] for this server.
So after inputing any  of the aboveconfiguration settings, the hit the save button and Connect it back clicking on the triangle icon below.
And that's, it will connect in an instantly as seen in the Screenshot below ;
Then go back to your connection stabilizer, and connect it to make it stable.
So here are the manual shadowsocks account I created by myself and much more are going to be released. So this server is currently slow and the first can access WhatsApp while the second and th third cannot power WhatsApp and we're still working to bring up another blazing server for you guys. And very slow in downloading but stillmanageable if you're not that greedy lols. I will still elaborate more on how this shadowsocks work for my fellow team's members.

Thursday 24 August 2017

How to Unlock Your Cell Phone (So You Can Bring It to a New Cellular Carrier)

How to Unlock Your Cell Phone (So You Can Bring It to a New Cellular Carrier)

Most cell phones sold in North America  — especially on contract — are “locked” to a particular cellular carrier. They can only be used on that carrier’s network, so you can’t switch to another carrier without “unlocking” it first.

Phone locking applies to nearly any type of cell phone, from the lowest, cheapest dumb phone to the highest end smartphone. Unlocking is different from jailbreaking and rooting, which bypass other software restrictions on mobile devices.

Unlocking Won’t Make Phones Completely Portable
First, it’s important to bear in mind that phones won’t always be capable of working on another carrier even after they’re unlocked. For example, in the USA, AT&T and T-Mobile use the GSM wireless standard, while Verizon and Sprint use the CDMA wireless standard. These are incompatible with each other, which means that you can’t unlock a CDMA phone purchased on Verizon and take it to AT&T’s GSM network, or vice versa.

CDMA is also a more restrictive type of network — while you can unlock an AT&T phone and take it to T-Mobile, you can’t unlock a Verizon phone and take it to Sprint, as Sprint’s CDMA network will reject the phone.

Luckily, most of the world has chosen the less-restrictive GSM standard. Before you consider unlocking a phone and taking it to another carrier, ensure that your phone will actually be capable of functioning on that carrier’s network.

Phone Locking Explained
The CDMA/GSM difference is a legitimate technical barrier to moving phones between carriers. However, there are also artificial barriers. Carriers “lock” phones to make them only function on that carrier’s network.

For example, let’s say you walk into AT&T and pick up any smartphone on contract. That phone will then function on AT&T’s network, but if you try to place a T-Mobile SIM card into the phone and switch to T-Mobile’s network, the phone will reject the T-Mobile SIM card. There’s no legitimate technical reason for this — it’s compatible — but the AT&T phone is “locked” to AT&T’s network and will only accept AT&T SIM cards.

This would also get in your way if you were travelling and wished to use a local carrier in the country you were visiting rather than paying expensive roaming fees — your locked phone would reject anything but an AT&T SIM card.

Why Are Phones Locked?
Cellular carriers argue that phone locking is a necessary part of their business. By locking phones they sell on contract, they’re able to keep customers on their network so they’ll continue paying their monthly bills. Remember, phones aren’t actually worth their on contract prices — they’re subsidized. No phone is actually “free” and the latest iPhone actually costs more than $199 — so the carrier needs to recover the cost of the on-contract phone over the lifetime of the contract. If consumers were able to take their phones to other networks, carriers argue that they would have difficulty recovering the price of the phone and their business model would take a hit.

In reality, this is a fairly silly argument. If you buy a phone on contract, you’re signing a two-year contract. If you want to take that phone to another carrier, you’d have to break your contract and pay an early termination fee or keep paying the monthly bill for the lifetime of the contract. This contractual obligation would still be binding even if the phone itself was sold unlocked and you took it to another carrier. Some smartphones may even be sold locked if you buy them from a carrier store at full price, without signing a contract, which shows how silly this argument is.

Cell phone locking is really just a way to create additional friction for average people switching carriers, encouraging them to stick with their current carrier instead of looking around for a better price and switching carriers. It’s one of the many horrible business practices carriers employ to gouge their customers.

Unlocking Your Phone
So you want to unlock your phone. Maybe your contract has expired and you want to switch to another carrier, maybe you’re visiting another country, or maybe you just want to pay an early termination fee and get out of your contract early.

There are several ways to unlock a phone:

Call and Ask Nicely: Your carrier may unlock your phone for you. Call your carrier and ask nicely — if your contract has expired, they’ll hopefully unlock your phone for you. If you tell your carrier you’ll be travelling and wish to use a SIM card from another country to save on roaming fees, they may also unlock your phone for you. They may charge a fee for this, but it’s worth a shot. Update: most carriers in the US will unlock your phone as long as you’ve paid off anything you owe on the phone.
Unlock It Yourself
cell phone unlocking is now legal in the US. However, if you live in another country or are willing to be a rebel and flout a law everyone agrees should be changed, you can often unlock phones on your own without anyone’s permission. The exact process will vary from phone to phone, so you’ll have to perform a web search and find instructions for your specific mobile phone.

Of course, not all phones are sold locked. Often, phones sold directly from the manufacturer instead of by a carrier come unlocked. You’ll generally have to pay full price to get an unlocked phone that you can move between carrier networks, as there’s no carrier to subsidize the phone’s full cost.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Android Oreo - See the amazing features of the upcoming Android OS

Android Oreo - See the amazing features of the upcoming Android OS

One of the annual announcements that comes from the stables of Google is the unveiling of a new version of the her Android Operating System. This OS announcement is also arguably one of the most anticipated news from Google all across the world.

And as it has been a long time tradition of the company to keep details about all upcoming OS secret, the Android O is no different as it also follows name hide-and-seek trend. However, the Android O can be safely to be that OS that exposes Google as a poor “hider” after all.

The Android O or Android Version 8.0 will be called the Android Oreo… and it was just too damn easy! Numerous Android expert, developers and even smartphone users had hinted that Google would most likely adopt the popular chocolate milk cookie, Oreo as the base name for her Android 8.0 OS and it happened. Guess we are all psychics after all.

Yeah, that’s enough bragging about our psychic abilities, let’s now cut to the chase and list some of the features of the Android 8.0 Oreo

Android 8.0 Oreo features
Picture-in-Picture (PIP) mode

Android 8.0 Oreo Picture-in-Picture multitasking mode
Anyone that uses the YouTube app would be familiar with what Picture-in-Picture means. The PIP mode allows Android smartphone users operate two applications at the same time on the display. So, instead of minimizing an app to the background, the PIP mode is quite better as it allows you to monitor the activities of two applications simultaneously.

The PIP mode should not be mistaken for the Split-screen mode native to the Android 7.0 Nougat. They are different features in entirety.

New Emojis

Android 8.0 Oreo Emojis
The Android O also packs along new native set of livelier and fun emoji to bring a whole new experience to texting and new feel to the OS entirely.

App Notification Dot

On the Android 8.0, applications on the home screen and app tray will now have its individual notification dot to alert users of new stuff, update, message or information within the app. Just the same way instant messaging apps display notifications on their logo. The difference here is, all applications will have a tiny notification dot as soon as there is an update within the app.

Instant Apps
Although this is a feature that Android users running previous versions (Lollipop and above) have been enjoying, it however launched officially with the Android 8.0 Oreo.

The Instant App feature confers users with the ability to use compatible applications without having to install them on their devices. Users cam simply run the app through the Google Chrome browser and it will function like a stand-alone app.

Smart Auto-fill
Google put in a lot of work on the Android i.0 Oreo OS and the smart auto-fill feature is a proof of magnitude of work imputed.

Your login credentials from your favorite applications are stored by Google and when you need to login again, it automatically inputs them and logs you in like you were logged in before. Watch the demo below for a clearer picture.

WhatsApp adds colorful text-only updates to Status

WhatsApp adds colorful text-only updates to Status

WhatsApp's Snapchat Stories clone is getting a new text-only feature.

Now, instead of just photos and videos, you can update your WhatsApp Status with colorful, meme-like text posts.

The feature, which is rolling out now, is a lot like Facebook's colorful status updates: write a snippet of text, pick a background color, and customize the font. You can also link out to other websites from within a text post.

This feature is specifically for the Snapchat Stories-like version of Status, and is different from the old-school text-only statuses the app re-introduced earlier this year. Those text-only updates still only allow you to share simple messages like "busy" or "available."

The update brings WhatsApp Status up to par with Snapchat Stories, which also recently introduced the ability to link out from a Story. Instagram still only allows verified accounts to post links from Stories. 

WhatsApp Status has been one of Facebook's more successful Stories clones. The Stories-like feature now has 250 million daily users, making the feature more popular than all of Snapchat. Besides adding text posts, WhatsApp is also adding the ability for web users to view Statuses, opening up the potential for even more growth.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Nigerians await solar eclipse on Monday, lunar episode July 27, 2018

Nigerians await solar eclipse on Monday, lunar episode July 27, 2018

Solar Eclipse
*Comet responsible for meteor shower could wipe out humanity 2,400 years from now in impact equal to 20m hydrogen bombs

Unlike the United States (US), which will experience total solar eclipse, Nigeria will experience a partial solar episode on Monday August 21, 2017. According to Science News, a partial solar eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbra, including all of North America, northern South America, Western Europe, and some of Africa including Nigeria and north-east of Asia on Monday, August 21, 2017.

Also, Nigeria will experience total lunar eclipse, which would be is fully visible in Lagos. The total lunar eclipse is sometimes called a blood moon, as the Moon turns red.

According to timeanddate.com report on all eclipses worldwide from 1900 to 2100, there will also be total lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 and January 21, 2019; partial lunar eclipse on July 16/17, 2019; transit mercury eclipse on November 21, 2019; penumbral lunar eclipse January 10, 2020.

Nigeria experienced the last partial solar eclipse on February 26, 2017. The National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) observed the phenomenon.
The country had on Thursday, September 1, 2016, experienced another partial solar eclipse with slight variations in actual timing across the country.

Nigerians had also witnessed the occurrence of an eclipse 11 years ago, on March 29, 2006, when some religious bodies had attributed it to the divine anger of God on Nigerians while some even saw it as a sign of an impending apocalypse.

Before the 2006 total eclipse, an earlier total solar eclipse took place in Nigeria and along West African coast on May 20, 1947.Solar eclipses have often been seen as or the anger of the gods, but it is believed that the real reason for the erratic occurrence of solar eclipses on Earth may finally have been solved because research has confirmed that a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness.Meanwhile, the die is cast for yet another total solar eclipse after 99 years. The sky will go dark. The temperature will drop. Stars will shine in the middle of the day. For the first time in nearly a century, millions of Americans from coast-to-coast will witness a total solar eclipse. Those who have watched the sun suddenly snuff out say it’s an otherworldly feeling. It can be humbling. It can be spiritual. It can change the course of history.

NASRDA warned that members of the public, pupils and students that they should view the eclipse with specially designed viewing instruments. The agency warned that the eclipse should be viewed with the naked eyes as this could cause permanent damage to human eyes.

The total solar eclipse will be visible in totality within a band across the entire contiguous US; it will only be visible in other countries as a partial eclipse. The last time a total solar eclipse was visible across the entire contiguous United States was during the June 8, 1918 eclipse.

Also, this weekend, the night sky is set to dazzle with up to 150 shooting stars per hour as the Perseid meteor shower (also called shooting stars in this clime) moves into its peak.

The phenomenon comes around every year, all thanks to an icy space rock known as Comet Swift-Tuttle – but, thousands of years from now, that same comet could bring on the worst mass extinction Earth has seen in hundreds of millions of years.Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle completes its orbit around the sun every 133 years, and roughly 2,400 years from now, this will bring it ‘perilously close’ to Earth.

While the likelihood of it slamming into Earth is extremely low, experts say there’s a small chance that its orbit will be offset by a ‘gravitational kick’ from Jupiter, causing an impact with 30 times the energy of that which killed the dinosaurs.

For the next 2,000 years, Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle poses little threat to Earth and its inhabitants, astrophysicist Ethan Siegel assures.But eventually, around the year 4479, it will come ‘perilously close’ to Earth, and a gravitational nudge from Jupiter could push it off its course, resulting in a number of possible scenarios.

It could be sent hurtling into the sun, or even be ejected from the solar system, Siegel explains.Or, it could end up plunging toward Earth.The comet is moving four times faster than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, according to the astrophysicist, and the resulting impact would release 28 times as much energy – or, the equivalent of 20,000,000 hydrogen bombs exploding.

In a new post for the Forbes blog Starts With a Bang, astrophysicist Ethan Siegel explains that the sheer size and speed of Comet Swift-Tuttle would set our planet up for major catastrophe if a collision were to happen.

The fast-moving comet is massive; at 16 miles wide (26km), it’s 260 per cent the width of the ‘dinosaur-killer.’But, according to Siegel, Swift-Tuttle’s orbit is no great mystery to scientists, and they’ve already determined where it will be for upwards of the next 2,000 years.

It hasn’t crossed into the inner solar system since 1992, and isn’t set to do so again until 2126.According to Siegel, scientists’ calculations of its orbit show Earth is “100 per cent safe’ from the comet for thousands of years to come – but, in the year 4479, it will come terrifyingly close.

This doesn’t necessarily mean it will strike, Siegel explains, but the possibility does exist.Once the comet makes its close approach about 2,400 years from now, “there’s still a 99.9999 per cent chance it will miss us,” Siegel writes.


Not everyone gets the chance to witness a solar eclipse in their lifetime. Infact, it’s been nearly one hundred years since we’ve seen a solar eclipse at the same scale as the one that is expected yo sweep across the United states

Silicon Valley has finally found the one line that can't be crossed — now it has a bigger problem

Silicon Valley has finally found the one line that can't be crossed — now it has a bigger problem

The violence in Charlottesville has caused many tech companies to rethink their roles.

The protests in Charlottesville last weekend and the violence that accompanied them have encouraged tech companies to rethink their responsibilities.  (REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)
In the aftermath of last year's presidential election, tech execs were unanimous in denying that their various platforms had anything to do with the spread of falsehoods, fake news, and outright lies that allegedly contributed to President Trump's unexpected election.

"Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, it's a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said less than a week after the election.

How wrong he was.

Even after it was apparent that the spread of fake news did play a role in the outcome of the election, the tech world wasn't sure it could or should stop it. One tech executive told me last December that so much content is uploaded to various tech platforms every day that properly policing all of it would be impossible. Plus, there are all those free speech issues the tech companies would have to navigate. There was just no way to fix the problem, the tech industry said.

Keep in mind these statements were coming out of Silicon Valley, where, supposedly, the greatest technological and entrepreneurial minds of our time love to brag about their intelligence and how great they are at solving problems. Yet they failed to see the responsibility that comes with managing the various services that have become the dominant form of news consumption for many people.

Now, nine months later, you're hearing a strikingly different tone from the tech world. Apparently, they draw the line at Nazis.

Following the horrific events in Charlottesville last weekend, a slew of tech companies both large and small made moves to eliminate the spread of hate, anti-Semitism, white supremacy, Nazism, and all sorts of other nasty things from their various platforms.

Let's recap:

Apple and PayPal stopped supporting payments on sites that sell white supremacist merchandise.
GoDaddy and Google canceled the domain registration for the extremist site Daily Stormer. The moves followed Daily Stormer's decision to publish a horrible story about Heather Heyer, the woman killed during the Charlottesville protests.
Cloudflare dropped Daily Stormer as a customer, ending the protection it provided to the site against denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
Facebook removed links to hateful articles about Heather Heyer in the News Feed.
The chat app Discord shut down some of the servers that white supremacists used to organize the protests in Charlottesville.
Airbnb reiterated it wouldn't allow white supremacists to use its app to organize lodging for protests.
Spotify removed "hate bands" from its music library.
On top of all that, there was a chorus of tech leaders, including Apple CEO Tim Cook and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who denounced the events in Charlottesville and called out Trump for his misleading "many sides" response.

What a difference a few months of a heated culture war and the killing of an innocent woman can make in the tech world's perspective.

I think tech companies have finally realized a certain responsibility comes with owning the platforms and services that deliver news, information, and entertainment to billions every day. Just like editors of a newspaper have to carefully vet content for truth, platforms also have to discover ways to edit the information that's posted on their sites — but on a massive scale.

It's a welcome change of heart. Better late than never.

But it's not ideal, either. Some have rightfully raised concerns that the kind of policing we've seen over the last week could lead to a slippery slope where content and users are booted off certain platforms on a whim, without some kind of process. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) published a great recap of those arguments this week, saying the moves tech companies used to silence white supremacists could "soon be used to silence others."

While tech companies have a right to control their platforms, doing so could lead us to a place where their responses are influenced by headlines or public outcry rather than being the result of a deliberate process. Even Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince admitted his decision to stop working with Daily Stormer was emotionally charged; he dropped the site as a customer, because he was in a "bad mood."

That's fine when you're leaving Nazis in the dust, but it could set a harmful precedent if it encourages other tech CEOs to drop customers whose political views they disagree with. Even if their hearts are in the right place, jumping on the bandwagon isn't always the right answer. (OkCupid learned that Thursday when it kicked a white supremacist off its dating service.)

Tech companies are going to have to strike a delicate balance, and I don't think they'll figure it out right away. Finding that balance is going to take months of experiments, screwups, and horror stories before the tech companies put the right plans in place. EFF's recommendation that tech firms "have a process, don't act on headlines" feels like a good start.

In the meantime, it's going to be messy. For the first time in human history, the entire world is connected in a way that lets people bypass the traditional — and typically carefully curated — sources of news and information. On top of that, there are now apps that make it easy for bad actors to organize.

And tech companies will likely be facing a constant game of cat-and-mouse. Boot the fake news purveyors and supremacists from one service, and they'll find another or even build their own.

But the good news is that bad actors like those are finally getting kicked off the services that matter.

Google finally enables Bluetooth audio streaming for Home speaker

Google finally enables Bluetooth audio streaming for Home speaker

Google has enabled Bluetooth audio streaming for Google Home, according to Android Police. The feature that was touted when the smart assistant was announced at Google I/O back in May. Google enabled the feature by accident back in June, but it seems this time everything is official.

The update means Google Home owners can stream local music, podcasts, and streaming services that may not be supported by Home to their speakers at will. However, it may not be that great for people wanting pristine audio quality, as there are users complaining about the notable lag over the connection.

The update is reportedly rolling out gradually, so everyone should have it within the next few days. To activate Bluetooth audio streaming head to settings in the Home app, tap Paired Bluetooth devices and pair your device to the Home speaker.

Saturday 19 August 2017

The Airtel 2017 unlimited data cheat

The Airtel 2017 unlimited data cheat

Here is an update to Airtel 2017 free browsing cheat which was blazing hot in early May this year but unfortunately, it got blocked and then stop working. But today I'm here and happy to bring it to your notice that airtel free cheat is back and better.
The Airtel 2017 unlimited data cheat is currently working as at the time of writing this post, would get up to 800GB of data by continue dialing a particular ussd command on your mobile phone to make it unlimited.
NOTE: Before you try this airtel free browsing cheat; make sure you are on “ Airtel SmartTrybe Jr ” and if you are on other tariff plan then try and migrate to smartTrybe Jr, once the migration is successful then check out the next step below;
Now that you are on Airtel SmartTrybe Jr, what next? To begin, start by dialing a code. Once you dialed this code, you would start getting some huge amount of free data bundles starting from 1GB, the more you dial the code more free data for you!. In case you know a short code for migration, simply dial *317# to migrate to Airtel SmartTrybe Jr.
How To Get Airtel 2017 Unlimited Data Cheat
√ Turn on the offline mode on your Android device
√ Change you phone's date to May 3, 2017
√ Turn off the offline mode
√ Keep dialling *688*1# for 1GB Unlimited Social Data would keep flowing into your account, the more you dial the more your  data is being accumulated, 1GB x..... Up to 800GB worth of data valid for 30days, starting from the day you get yours.
How To Check Airtel Data Balance
▶ To Check your data balance dial *140# .
This cheat for airtel browsing is a social media data bundles, so it requires some Psi phon tweak for it to power all apps which will be posted here any moment from now. Keep it logged!

Friday 18 August 2017

Forget Special Glasses—For the Best Views of the Eclipse You Just Need a DIY Pinhole

Forget Special Glasses—For the Best Views of the Eclipse You Just Need a DIY Pinhole

I was in middle school the last time a major solar eclipse passed over my hometown. Some teachers supplied us with glasses and others helped us build viewers from cereal boxes, and we went outside for the big moment. It was okay, I guess. But when I got home, my mother told me how she saw the eclipse.

She told me that she stepped outside with her co-workers, and ended up sitting by a tree. And she noticed the shadow of its leaves on the ground. Everywhere there was a little gap between the leaves, each spot of light was in the same crescent shape as the eclipsed sun.

And if you’re caught outside without any equipment at all, just cross your fingers—literally, with a tiny bit of daylight in between them—and take a look at your shadow. Like the guy in the image, you’ll be holding an eclipse in the palm of your hand.

Copied from Lifehacker

How to Earn Money as a Bug Bounty Hunter

How to Earn money as a Bug Bounty hunter

Are you a coder or white-hat hacker looking to make some money on the side? Bug bounty hunting might be the perfect gig for you.

What Is Bug Bounty Hunting?

Bug bounty hunting is being paid to find vulnerabilities in software, websites, and web applications. The security teams at major companies don’t have enough time or manpower to squash all the bugs they have, so they reach out to private contractors for help. Basically, you use your tools to break things (or break into things), write up a vulnerability report to the company who’s issued the bounty, then get paid. Some hackers make tens of thousands of dollars a year on the side just hunting bugs.

To do it, however, you’ll need to at least know some basic coding and computer skills. Fortunately, Lifehacker has tons of great resources to help get you started, and coding is pretty easy to teach yourself. That said, if you have no idea what any of this stuff means as you read on, bug bounty hunting probably isn’t for you.

Do Some Research and Get Your Tools

Once you’ve got a grip on basic coding, you need to take a deep dive into web applications and how they work. Lucky for you, there’s tons of great resources out there that can point you in the right direction. Start by reading:

The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook ($30)
OWASP Testing Guide v4

Then get the right tools. You’ll need:

Kali Linux (free)
Burp Suite ($349 a year, but very popular)
OWASP Zap (free alternative to Burp Suite)

Then check out the OWASP WebGoat lab, where you can practice finding bugs and vulnerabilities in web applications, and take a look at the Google Bughunter University as well. They have lots of great information bug hunting and how to write solid vulnerability reports that will get you paid. Sites like Bugcrowd and HackerOne can help with that aspect as well.

Find Bug Bounty Listings and Go Hunting

Once you’re armed with knowledge and the right tools, you’re ready to look for some bugs to squash. Companies will often have a link somewhere on their website offering bug bounties, but they can be hard to find. You’re better off checking a bounty board where hackers are reading publicly disclosed vulnerability reports and updating an active list on the daily. Like these:

Vulnerability Lab
Fire Bounty
HackerOne also offers Disclosure Assistance, which is a place where a hacker can report any vulnerability to any organization. Even if the organization doesn’t have a vulnerability program, they can contact them and deliver the report. It also helps to join a bug bounty hunter community forum—like those sites listed above—so you can stay up to date on new bounties and tools of the trade. To hunt bugs you also have to be willing to continually learn as you go. Web applications and bug hunting tools are constantly updating, so you need to be on the ball if you want to do things right.

Update: A representative of HackerOne reached out to note their “disclosure assistance” program. The text above has been updated with this information

Thursday 17 August 2017

Teen bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman is launching Taylor Swift’s ‘1989’ into space

Teen bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman is launching Taylor Swift’s ‘1989’ into space

Erik Finman made headlines earlier this summer for becoming a bitcoin millionaire at the tender age of 18. He now tells TechCrunch he’s working on a project with NASA to launch a mini satellite into space with the recordings of regular folks, tech leaders and top artists — including pop idol Taylor Swift.
The launch is in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Carl Sagan’s Golden Record sent onboard Voyager in 1977. Sagan is a personal hero of Finman’s and he says he wanted to do something akin to the Golden Record to remind us about this time in world history.
“Since almost everyone has a camera and an internet connection, we can now represent the world in a whole new way and showcase how the United States has changed since 40 years ago.” Finman said.
Project DaVinci satellite
Finman wanted to get involved in space travel ever since he saw Elon Musk launch his reusable rockets. But his interest in the stars goes far back into his family’s history. Finman’s mother was involved in the NASA space program in the 80’s and he says she was set to go as part of the crew on the fated spaceship Challenger. However, she ended up finding out she was pregnant with Finman’s oldest brother and unable to go.
Though Challenger was a serious tragedy, his mother remained involved in the space program for many years. Her love for the stars instilled in him a desire to get involved himself. So, earlier this year, he submitted for and won a NASA grant enabling him to organize the endeavor, called Project DaVinci.
The government space program will handle the costs of the launch and provide materials for the satellite project. Meanwhile, Finman will gather the materials through a
website , launching today, and has already employed a team of high school students from his hometown of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and engineers in Los Angeles and Scotland to build the mini satellite.
Other artists and tech leaders already onboard include “Vineographer” Logan Paul, XPRIZE’s Peter Diamandis, renowned aerospace engineer Burt Rutan and YouTube personality Casey Neistat.
Swift’s album ‘1989’ will head up into the stars, along with media from the previously listed participants and what he hopes will be something submitted from all 196 countries around the globe.
NASA has not yet set a date for the launch, but it should be sometime in Q1 of 2018, according to Finman. Those interested in submitting something in hopes it goes into space can do so by heading over to Finman’s
website and uploading a video, image or sound for free.

Courtesy of TechCrunch

Wednesday 16 August 2017

MTN Pretige! Get Free 750MB and 120minute Free Calls For 7days

MTN Pretige! Get Free 750MB and 120minute Free Calls For 7days

Wow This is amazing, Good news to all MTN users. MTN Nigeria is dashing out free 750mb of data and 120minutes free calls to any network valid for 7days, MTN is dashing out this free data bon s for some lucky old Sim card (0803) and (0806)
The free MTN Data Bonus can be called MTN Prestige anniversary reward which can be used to browse on all Android. Windows, iOS, and PC Valid for just 7days, Today i was also given the free data on my MTN sim immediately i dialed the code on my Phone.
I'm Sharing This post for those who haven't heard about this free bonus from MTN, so that they can also try their luck, the bonus is Free to get and to Get this free data bonus just insert your old MTN Sim and Dial this code *559*52# that's all don't forget to share this with your friends.

Music - Wizkid – Craving

Music - Wizkid – Craving
promised new music on 14th August, the day passed without getting anything from the starboy.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

How to trace your lost or stolen Smartphone

How to trace your lost or stolen Smartphone

Both Android and iOS feature very useful tools that allow you to quickly locate your smartphone if it gets lost or stolen.
Even if you are unable to recover the phone, you can still remotely lock it and wipe all your data.
The first step is to make sure that your device can be located.
In Android, go into Google Settings, then Security, and activate the option "Remotely locate this device", if it is not already turned on. Then you only have to connect to android.com/find with any Internet browser, whether on a computer or mobile device, to access real-time information on the location of your smartphone.

Monday 14 August 2017

Music - Lil Kesh – Baby Favour (Prod . by Young John

Music - Lil Kesh – Baby Favour (Prod . by Young John
Lil Kesh said we all should turn up and disturb our neighbors. YAGI WAY!!!
Checkout this fresh jam titled “ Baby Favour ” and Thank us later!Lil Keshi…..
Listen & Download “Lil Kesh – Baby Favour” below

Sunday 13 August 2017

Application is Now Open for 2018/2019 Chevening Scholarships | From Now till November 7th

Application is Now Open for 2018/2019 Chevening Scholarships | From Now till November 7th
The Chevening Secretariat is accepting applications for 2018/2019 Chevening Scholarships via www.chevening.org/apply from midday Monday, August 7th until Tuesday, November 7th, 2017.

Chevening Scholarships is the UK



On Thursday, Neymar got his first alert of 248 million naira and every Thursday, like drug money it will be dropping like that! Chaiii, that one is too much oh, but what is the guy playing self?
Well, it is no longer news that last week Thursday, August 3rd, 2017 the biggest contract ever in the history of world football was signed. Neymar Da Silva Santos Junior officially signed for Paris Saint Germain from Spanish giant Barcelona after they met his buyout clause of €222M. Hours later the news of his weekly earnings of about €515,000 or 248 million naira broke the internet.
I will be the last person to dispute if Neymar is worth all that money because I have watched the guy and I can tell that he is good. He is talented, his dribbling skill, finishing, ease of taking defenders one-on-one and the shooting accuracy with both feet are all admirable, but above all these Neymar is simply a very strong and saleable brand. By Sunday, when PSG line up against Guingamp FC Neymar will get the first chance to show the watching world (will you watch the match?) why PSG is paying that much for his signature. The ideal scenario will be for Neymar to open his account with a hat trick in that match and win the man of the match - and that is exactly what I wish him.
But most amazing, most confusing and perhaps now annoying about that contract is what Nigerians have made out of it here at home. Most of us have misrepresented not just the worth but the significance and implications of that deal. Most social media users (including professionals) have made serious attempts to demean 'education' by comparing the monetary rewards that it offers to what football offers. I heard that A is no longer for Apple and B is no longer for Book. I understand that the new way of teaching children ABCD (in Nigeria) is to let them understand that A is for Attack, B is for Back pass, C is Control the Ball, D is for Defence and indeed every single footballing terminology is now used in learning the English Alphabet, and at the end of the day the lesson to the child is simple - you must play football whether you like it or not. But I think that is dangerous, we can't promote this ideology as a nation otherwise I am afraid of what the future holds. We will not be doing our generation any good if we encourage them to ignore education for the pursuit of money. Of course, you should know that I am a key promoter of the fact that going to university is completely useless if it is all about the degree, but for God's sake how can someone who is actually a graduate want to make it look as if it is all about the degree? In the first place why is the emphasis not on "what Neymar can do" but on the fact that he doesn't have WAEC result? Is PSG paying him that money because he didn't go to school or because he has proved himself competent enough in his chosen career? I think the emphasis should rather be on what someone can do rather than his academic qualifications otherwise all those without a secondary education will easily be earning like Neymar already.
Don't be deceived.
248 million naira per week is massive, in fact it is out of this world and you only get a better understanding of how big it is worth when you compare it with the average salary of a first class graduate here in Nigeria. You know you will need to earn 1 million naira average salary for 20 years and 8 months to hit that figure(bro when will you retire?), but guys, let's still not blow it out of proportion because there is another comparison.
Now, if Neymar without a WAEC result (according to those who claim to know) earns 248 million per week, how much does Bill Gates (who actually went as far as Harvard) earn? Mind you, Bill Gates went to school as far as Harvard, the whole talk of him dropping out is widely misrepresented. He didn't drop out because he was not good enough, he didn't drop out because he was irresponsible, in fact he had a meeting with the school authority when it became obvious that he needed more time to work on the Microsoft idea and in his exact words he told the school that he was going on a 'leave of absence' and should return if the idea failed to work as planned. He didn't leave the school empty, he left with the knowledge he had acquired, he left having made friends and built a network of like minds, he left having access to mentors from the school (for me, these are some of the most important reasons of going to university in the first place, and not just for that paper called certificate). With that knowledge and skill acquired directly or indirectly by going to school, Bill Gates was able to build Microsoft and in 2013 he earned 11.5 billion dollars in a single year. That figure would give you 1.38 million dollars per hour. What it means is that the 248 million naira Neymar earns in a week is what Bill Gates earns in 30 minutes.
Don't be deceived.
Why would I rather be a Bill Gates than a Neymar? Why would I rather point my kids to Bill Gates than to Neymar? It is simple. If you go by the figures, you have already seen it above. If you want to look at the future, then you will know that Neymar is 25 today, but will he still be playing football at this level at 35? What if in an unfortunate situation where he breaks his leg tomorrow (no one prays for that, but it does happen), that will be the end of everything, football doesn't even provide for pension or gratuity. But Gates can sleep for the rest of his life and the billions will keep flowing because alert has been set on auto run, he has 'programmed' his business directly into his bank account - with his knowledge (you need education to set up that kind of system). What if you are looking at relevance and significance, how many millionaires have Neymar made or will he ever make in his lifetime? Bill Gates has made 3 billionaires and over 12,000 millionaires.
I asked someone what Neymar will do with this money, and he said Neymar already has a private jet, now is the time to get a yacht and start paying for the penthouse of all the 5-star hotels in the world. Do you think someone who is well schooled will choose to spend the money that way?
Don't be deceived.
Education is still the key, education is still superior, education has birthed technology and technology is where the money is and not football. The most valuable club in the world according to Forbes 2017 rating is Manchester United and they are worth a whopping 3.69 billion dollars to edge both Barcelona and Real Madrid. But how whopping is that compared with the worth of Apple, Google, or Microsoft? In fact the total worth of the top 20 football clubs in the world (including Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, Chelsea, Bayern Munich, PSG, Arsenal, Manchester City, Juventus, Liverpool) is 29.6 billion dollars. Mark Zuckerberg can simply pull out a cheque from his back pocket and buy those 20 clubs without even discussing with the board of Facebook (that sounds like an insult but that is the fact). That is how powerful ideas are, that is how powerful knowledge can be, that is how powerful education can be. What would you rather choose for your child?
Don't be deceived.
The standard of education in Nigeria has dropped so badly that it is beginning to lose its relevance, but rather than turn our backs on it completely, rather than encourage our children not to go to school, rather than insult it the more, we should champion a course on how to make it what it ought to be and more attractive. We should teach our children the real importance of education and not just to come out and get a good job.
Trends are changing, the world has evolved and our educational system must evolve and not allowed to dissolve.
Don't be deceived. Send your children to good school if you can afford it, and after that allow him or her the freedom of choice and if he or she chooses to play football he will be buying football clubs and earning 10x what Neymar earns today.
I choose to go to school, learn how to build and buy existing businesses. I choose to go to school, learn how to employ the grace God has given me to serve humanity. I choose to go to school and learn how best my ideas can be a solution to the problems of the society.
What do you choose, for yourself and for your kids?
Don't be deceived.
©Kachi Ogbonna
Founder, HTS Business School.
Cofounder, Myunihostels.
Founder, Youth Initiative for National Transformation.
Author, How They Started